Jun 8, 2021
Following hot on the heels of a headlining show at Red Rocks, Andy revels in a moment of grateful reflection. He also recommends having sex this summer (try it out!). On the Interview Hour we welcome post-hardcore turned folk singer, Frank Turner! Frank's an incredible songwriter with some serious insight for Andy. Nick Gerlach dishes out some grievances and interrupts the show to close us out. This is EP 127.
Follow us on Instagram @worldsavingpodcast
For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to:
Check out Andy's new song, "Love Hard" on iTunes, Spotify
Get to know the guy: frank-turner.com
Produced by
Joe Angelhow
Chris Lorentz
Audio mix by
Chris Lorentz
Mara Davis
Ahri Findling
Nick Gerlach
Arno Bakker