Aug 21, 2018
On a very special episode of The World Saving Podcast: Andy and Yeti attempt to solve the riddle of incest porn's popularity. Truths are revealed and embarrassment ensues. More importantly, we welcome Mike Gantzer of the band, Aqueous, on the interview hour! Listen and learn as we break down the basics of how to write a...
Aug 14, 2018
Andy & Yeti process some difficult emotions regarding an incident on a boat; it's decided that we really should be better to each other. And! We have a nice chat with our good buddy, Caleb Hawley. Do you enjoy mustard with your finger foods? Well, then you'll love this week's visit from the Cocuzza Bros. This is Episode...
Aug 7, 2018
Wherein our hosts reveal some stifled childhood bumblings and share with us their deepest sexual proclivities. All of this, right after a quick briefing on the AIDS epidemic, of course. Oh, and what luck! Chicano Batman joins us on the interview hour to regale us with a charming story about their tour bus driver, Racist...