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Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast

Join Andy Frasco on his travels around the world, interviewing all sorts of folk about their divergent paths. Andy focuses on the adventure life brings to those who dare to pursue their dreams and travel. Like our path in life... we get off track sometimes but we always get back to the road and what inspires us.

Apr 26, 2022

Step right up to this Charleston themed, double header of an episode! On Part 1 of the Interview Hour we welcome melodic hip-hop duo, Little Stranger, and follow it up in Part 2 with masterful folk power couple, Shovels & Rope. Get to know Charleston a little better thru these rad humans who just wanna sprinkle some...

Apr 19, 2022

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our Twiddle. The boys gather round to process some heavy emotions upon the end of their run together and to talk about hot-bagging on the tour bus. Also! On the Interview Hour we got one of our all time favorites, John Craigie! He remains dude of the year in...

Apr 12, 2022

Pod-Bard Shawn delivers a special message to MIA co-host, Nick Gerlach. Andy catches up with the band on the road and an airing of the grievances occurs. But most importantly, we got legends on the Interview Hour this week as we welcome all 3 brothers, Taylor, Zac, and Isaac of Hanson! 

You can watch this puppy on 

Apr 5, 2022

We're keeping it low, short, and squatty this week as Andy and the boys prepare for a nationwide tour opening for our buds, Twiddle. And speaking of Twiddle: we got massively talented keyboardist, alien truther, and all-around nice dude Ryan Dempsey on the Interview Hour! Listen in as Andy & Nick grill him on...