Dec 1, 2020
Happy Tuesday you beautiful babes. Andy's back in LA with UPDATES for y'all. And on the Interview Hour we welcome Justin Osborne from WSP show favorite, Susto! A quick google reveals the definition of the word Susto as: "soul loss through magical fright," and how appropriate that Andy should peer thru the mind of songwriter, Justin Osborne to discover what makes him tick. Have you listened to Caleb Hawley's new record yet? Stay vigilant out there in this pandemic. This is EP 107.
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For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to:
Check out Andy's new album, "Keep On Keepin' On" on iTunes Spotify
Follow the shockingly good, Susto at
Listen to Caleb Hawley's new record Here
Produced by
Joe Angelhow
Chris Lorentz
Audio mix by
Chris Lorentz
Brian Schwartz
Arno Bakker