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Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast

Join Andy Frasco on his travels around the world, interviewing all sorts of folk about their divergent paths. Andy focuses on the adventure life brings to those who dare to pursue their dreams and travel. Like our path in life... we get off track sometimes but we always get back to the road and what inspires us.

Dec 21, 2021

In which Andy and his old pals: Todd Glass, Phillis, and Nick Gerlach, take an Heroic dosage of psilocybin and squeegee their third eye. This is part 1 of our Christmas tradition...

Follow us on Instagram @worldsavingpodcast

For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to:

Check out Andy's new song, "Friends (A Song About Friends)" on iTunes, Spotify 

Produced by

Andy Frasco

Joe Angelhow

Chris Lorentz

Audio mix by
Chris Lorentz


Todd Glass

Shawn Eckels

Arno Bakker