Feb 11, 2025
Andy and Nick are joined by the Cocuzza bros and we’re talking about the biggest event in America. No, not the election, not even THE SUPER BOWL, but in fact, the pinacle of Denver Debauchery: the Andy Frasco & The U.N. show at The Mission Ballroom in Denver. That magical night in which nitrous flows like the tears...
Feb 4, 2025
Another installment of half-baked wisdom from your two fully-baked hosts, Andy Frasco & Nick Gerlach. This week we offer you a full spectrum strain of podcast that is equal parts life advice AND bad decisions. Will there be hot takes? Absolutely. Will at least one of them regret something they say? No doubt. Will this...
Jan 28, 2025
As Frasco finishes up road doggin with JJ Grey, Nick takes the mic to fill everyone in on exactly what he reaaaally thinks about Andy Frasco (spoiler: he thinks he's a great guy). And on the Interview Hour, we welcome the boys from hyper-prolific modern-day jam band, Kendall Street Company! This is a band that starts...
Jan 21, 2025
Good tidings to you on this totally normal, prosaic Tuesday morning. PSYCHE. Today's anything but; cuz Andy's sharing with you a new song called "Try Not to Die" from his band- The U.N. And on the Interview Hour we have two masters in the field of psychedelic research, James Fadiman and Jordan Gruber! These guys have...
Jan 14, 2025
The voicemail saga continues... In which our intrepid hosts debate on who the lucky winner of our $300 cash giveaway should be. Listen in to hear the boys lean on the classic, tried and true method of winning friends and influencing people: by buying their love with COLD HARD CASH. And while the prize money may be spent...