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Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast

Join Andy Frasco on his travels around the world, interviewing all sorts of folk about their divergent paths. Andy focuses on the adventure life brings to those who dare to pursue their dreams and travel. Like our path in life... we get off track sometimes but we always get back to the road and what inspires us.

Oct 22, 2024

Todd Glass would like to remind Andy Frasco that he MUST listen to Richie and The Rebels. Have you?? Andy & Nick discuss many things ranging from this to that. But don't take my word for it- sit yourself down, pour yourself a tasty beverage, and listen to the fellas hash out their feelings in real time! Maybe even a...

Oct 15, 2024

Show Bard Shawn opens the show with a rousing tune in celebration of Andy's Monday Motivations. Thereafter, we learn what the deal is with Berklee College of Music thru the eyes of phenomenal singer/songwriter and magic woman (i.e. good witch), Hayley Jane! Does she know what's up with all the extraterrestrials in...

Oct 8, 2024

On this week's episode, we present to you A Tale of Two Andys; as Frasco sits down with our good pal, Andy "Clark" Westby to open the show! Shout out to Baby Ricky. And a new baby for someone in the band... And on the Interview Hour, we're bringing ya back to an historical figure in the annals of recorded music as we...

Oct 1, 2024

Friends, wooks, florida men... lend us your ears; cuz show bard Shawn admonishes us in an opening song that begs the question: why so serious? Andy & Nick. Nick & Andy. We haven't done this in a while, have we? And what's more! We got's own (and our good friend), Ben Holst! We got a loooooong, long...