Jul 17, 2018
We open the show with Shawn's magnum-sized opus: a tone poem set to an upbeat little ditty. Andy and Yeti, ever trenchant, forge through new frontiers of introspection; albeit, stoned out of their minds. Oh, and what's this!? Jason Hann from The String Cheese Incident (& EOTO) joins us on the interview hour! Make it rain. This is Episode 14.
To keep up with the podcast, follow us on Instagram @WorldSavingPodcast
For more information on Andy Frasco, tour dates, the band and
the blog, go to:
The views discussed on this podcast do not necessarily reflect
those of the guests.
Keep up to speed with our guest, Jason Hann, by
visiting: www.stringcheeseincident.com
Thanks to our sponsor, Receptra. Visit them at receptranaturals.com
Produced by
Andy Frasco
Audio mix by
Chris Lorentz
Matt & Chad Cocuzza
Arno Bakker
Shawn Eckels